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Every school in Scotland has a careers adviser. As part of Skills Development Scotland (SDS), you can trust that they're experts when it comes to getting a job. Their door is always open if you want to have a chat.

How can an SDS careers adviser help you?

Our advisers can help you find out what: 

  • you’re good at 
  • you enjoy 
  • might be the best opportunities for you 

That means guiding you on the path to a job you’ll love and can earn from when you finish school.

They run group sessions on big topics like option choices and what you can do after leaving school. But you can also just drop in for a chat with them if you feel like you need more individual support.

They can advise on: 

  1. course options 
  2. training and apprenticeships 
  3. further education 
  4. job opportunities 

Don’t worry, they’ll never make you feel like you’re being told what to do! They’ll just make sure you have everything you need to get into what you'd like to do next.

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Where can you find our careers advisers? 

Your school has an SDS careers adviser! They're friendly, know their stuff and want to help.

Where else can you get help and information?

You can find information and support online too. In fact, you're in just the right place.

This website is here to offer support and advice to people at all stages, so feel free to have a look around.

Did you know?

In 2023/2024 our advisers gave information, advice or guidance to 248,334 school pupils. So don’t be afraid to ask for help – it’s what we do!

On leaving school, a careers adviser helped Skailer to find a training programme suited to his skills and interests.  

Since getting help and guidance from SDS, Logan went on to study Photography, Film Production and Writing.