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Take the wheel with your career: Become a bus driver

Discover if becoming a bus driver is the perfect route for you! We'll show you the benefits and how to find opportunities.

What you need to know about being a bus driver 

Not sure which direction to steer your career in? Looking to change gears? Here are six reasons you should consider becoming a bus driver:

  1. Good job prospects. Bus drivers are in demand in Scotland and it's a role that's growing. Data from Oxford Economics forecasts there will be 200 more jobs in Scotland for this role and similar ones in five years.
  2. Flexible working. You can work full-time or part-time and choose shifts that suit your circumstances.
  3. You don't need lots of qualifications. A driving licence, friendly face and positive attitude is enough to get the wheels in motion for this career.
  4. Supportive training. When you start, you'll get all the training and support you need to become a fully qualified bus driver.
  5. Contribute to a sustainable Scotland. Bus fleets across Scotland are taking big steps to reduce emissions. Get behind the wheel of the electric buses driving Scotland towards becoming net-zero by 2045.
  6. Every day is different. You'll get to meet lots of new people and drive routes across Scotland's villages, towns and cities.

Are you on board yet? If not, hear from people doing the job every day about why they love it.

I work part-time, fits in with my family life, having three kids. You're getting your shifts in advance so plenty of time to organise childcare.NikkiBus driver, Stagecoach
One of the great benefits of the job as well is you get paid weekly. Which is a great benefit for myself because you know where you're at each week. And you can certainly plan lots of different things around your working hours.JordanBus driver, Stagecoach
I think it's important to work for a company that you take a bit of pride in. I mean, if you take a look around the garage at the moment, it's a modern fleet, everything's really smart. The company's got a really good reputation, especially the training school. I'd say give it a go!GregBus driver, Lothian Buses