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Showcase your skills, achievements and set goals.Build your profile today!

What My Profile is 

It’s a digital space for people to document who they are, what they love and what they’re striving for. It supports young people to understand and articulate their achievements, skills, learning and, ultimately, showcase themselves.

Individuals' profiles will belong to them and travel with them as they transition through their learner journey, from primary school right through to adulthood.  

Some key features: 

  • upload and showcase: their achievements, skills, qualifications and awards, hobbies, learning and more  
  • set and track goals: create personalised goals and track progress towards achieving them  
  • reflect and grow: have conversations with peers and adults to help them understand their learning progress, what they're proud of, and next steps

Encourage your pupils to tell their story and start building their personal profile today!

Who’s been involved 

We’ve been working in partnership with Education Scotland and a National Co-design Group since December 2022 to determine key issues right through to guiding the approach and solutions.  The National Co-design Group has representation at national, regional and local levels from a wide range of settings including: 

  • SQA 
  • SCQF 
  • Youth Scotland 
  • Gaelic Medium Education (GME) 
  • early years 
  • primary schools 
  • secondary schools 
  • youth sector 
  • community learning 
  • local authorities 
  • colleges 
  • universities  
  • employers

Our co-design approach 

Throughout 2023, we’ve co-designed with learners and educators to develop and test My Profile. Over 100 people were involved in the co-design sessions.  

My Profile stats

91 pupils/learners: 

  • 34 primary pupils in P6 to P7 
  • 17 secondary pupils in S1 to S3 
  • 31 secondary school pupils in S4 to S6 
  • 9 college learners in S5 to S6 
  • 20+ pupils with additional support needs 

11 educators:  

  • 2 primary school teachers 
  • 3 secondary school teachers 
  • 3 college staff members 
  • 3 stakeholders from local authorities, Education Scotland, SDS 

Young people’s innovative ideas from our co-design sessions have significantly shaped My Profile. These fresh perspectives, often beyond our design team’s initial scope, have improved the final product.    

The vision and future of My Profile

1. Free and consistent access for young people

The vision of the National Co-Design group is for Scotland's learner profile to be the national free digital solution, adopted across the whole of Scotland. Currently there are many digital and paper-based profile solutions, as well as duplication of effort and multiple costs. Profile there will be a single solution, reduced costs and consistent quality.    

2. Learner owns their profile  

A learner’s profile right now moves between institution and doesn’t move with them. With My Profile, this is owned by the learner and will travel with them throughout their journey.  

3. Holistic view of the learner 

We want the profile to provide a holistic view of learners. It’ll give their whole story of who they are and what they can do including achievements and skills development in and out of an education setting.  

4. Help articulate their story  

With profile, this’ll help discussions between learners and practitioners. It can also be used for applications and parental reporting.  

5. Data to help make decisions  

With profile, national, regional and local data will help target interventions to support learners and macro data to support strategic decisions. We’ll be looking to develop a teacher/institution dashboard in the future to streamline data. 

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