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Are you looking for a job?

Then we have good news for you! There are now more ways than ever to find out what’s available and if it'll suit you. And whether you’re job hunting for the first time or looking for a career change – research is key. When searching for careers, look out for:

  • key skills needed to do the job
  • growth areas, will there be jobs available in the future?
  • whether there’s a need to relocate or travel
  • jobs where you can use your transferrable skills
  • similar jobs within the same industry that could suit you better

Of course, you still need to be proactive and put time aside for your search. You also need to think about the right places and ways to look. To help you get started, we’ve put together this handy list of suggestions.

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The internet

There are more than one billion websites – at least one of them will specialise in the job you’d like to learn about. And we’re thinking about job sites in particular. On these you can search for jobs by category (the kind of job you’re looking for), location and contract type. That'll help narrow the search and show roles that might work for you.

Use our job search to get started and see what's out there.

Recruitment agencies

These are used by companies and organisations to find the right staff. If you want to work in a particular field, find recruiters who specialise in that sector. Drop them an introductory email and copy of your CV.

Networking and word of mouth

Networking can sound scary – it doesn’t need to. Do you know more than one person? Then you know a network of people! It just means reaching out to people who may know about a job that could suit you. That could be family, friends, past colleagues or even people you only know from social media.

If you don’t know anyone who can help, it’s maybe time to widen your network. Social media sites like LinkedIn are ideal for this. Use your account to research how others got started in the role and follow companies you’d like to work for.

Social media

Careers adviser Joanne shares some advice about using social media in your job search.

Use it to connect with old friends and new ones alike. It can also be a way to keep in touch with what’s happening in your area and in any job sectors you’re interested in.

Keep an eye on any relevant chats, follow employers you're interested in and don’t be afraid to reach out to ask for advice or information.

A great way to keep up to date with jobs is to create a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a professional social website that lets you post your CV and to connect with people in relevant professions or positions.

You can also join groups and follow specific companies of interest to you. It can be a good way to see any opportunities that may be coming up.

Job fairs 

Employers attend these events to meet their future workforce – people like you!

These are still a great way to network and build relationships. By going along, you get a chance to speak face to face with people from companies or organisations that are recruiting.

It’s a chance to ask questions, find out what’s available and discover what they're looking for in terms of skills and experience. Show interest, make a good impression and they’ll be sure to keep you in mind.

Find the company of your dreams

It’s a good idea to identify a few companies you’d love to work for. Then, keep an eye on their website as they may advertise jobs there.

While you’re at it, search for similar companies and who knows, you may find one to add to that list of dream employers. 

So, just remember...

It doesn’t matter where you start looking for the perfect job. What matters is that you start.  

Good luck and remember that we’re here to help too! Explore My World of Work to find help with applications, interviews and more.