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Antique dealer

Buy and sell beautiful old objects and furniture so that people can enjoy and re-use them.

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About the job


Source: LMI for All











people are currently employed

High growth

300 more jobs in 5 years

These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

What it's like

You would find beautiful old objects and furniture, buy them and then sell them to people who will enjoy and re-use them.

You'd identify potentially valuable items at sales, auctions, on the internet and in people's homes, judge their value and negotiate a price.

You'd find out more about the item or repair minor damage. You'd advertise it to collectors and members of the public, convincing someone to buy it at a higher price so that you make a profit.

You might work with a wide range of historical objects or specialise in a particular area that interests you, such as:

  • Jewellery

  • Glass

  • China

  • Furniture

  • Industrial items

  • Paintings

  • Toys

  • Books and records

  • Coins, stamps and old postcards

You would:

  • Buy items from salesrooms, auctions, markets, trade fairs and private owners

  • Sell items to the general public from a shops or a stall in antique centres

  • Negotiate purchases and sales

  • Buy and sell items online

  • Carry out minor restoration work

  • Research the identity and value of objects

  • Advise owners on the value of their antiques for sale or insurance

You could also work from home, buying and selling to suit customer orders.


You would not normally have set working times, and you may have to work long and unsocial hours, including weekends and evenings.

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Top skills

Skills are things you're good at. Whether you know what yours are or not, everyone has them!

It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

  • working with numbers
  • researching
  • networking
  • verbal communication
  • recalling
  • attention to detail
  • making decisions
  • negotiating

Your skills are important

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Getting in

Explore the sections shown for more information about getting into this career.

You might have qualifications which are not shown here but will allow you access to a course. You can compare your qualifications by looking at their SCQF Level. For more information about this, check out the SCQF website.

Always contact the college, university or training provider to check exactly what you'll need.

Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

  • Art and Design

  • Classical Studies

  • Skills for Work: Retailing

You do not need formal qualifications however a degree in a relevant subject such as Fine Art, History or History of Fine Art may be helpful.

To enter an relevant history-centred degree (SCFQ Level 9/10) requires National 5 qualifications and a minimum of three Highers or a relevant HNC/HND. To enter a Fine Art Degree requires similar qualifications. 

Once in work membership of the British Antique Dealers' Association (BADA) can be useful.

A Fine Art degree may require a portfolio of your work.

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