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Additional support

Everyone needs support as they go through school and their career. We’ve pulled together sources of help and advice for parents, carers and anyone who needs additional support.

Meet apprentice Ross

As ScotRail's first deaf apprentice, Ross has already made a lasting impact. He loves meeting passengers in the station and his job has boosted his confidence. In this video he explains how he got his Modern Apprenticeship. His mum also talks about what helped him to find his job.

Ross' story

How we can support you

Our careers advisers offer support to everyone, including parents and carers. Whatever your age and stage, we can help you. You can contact your local centre to arrange a face-to-face appointment with an adviser. Or call our friendly team on 0800 917 8000.

How our careers advisers can help
Smiling man in office next to sign reading 'Careers adviser'

Get resources and support

Support in education and work

Support for families

Support during transitions

Resources for your child