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Prison governor

Lead a team keeping people secure and cared for in a prison, remand centre or young offenders' institution. Help prisoners prepare for life outside prison.

Also known as: operational manager

About the job


Source: National Careers Service



Entry level





Entry level





Entry level



These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

What it's like

You would lead and manage a team of prison officers to keep people secure when they are in a prison, remand centre or young offenders' institution.

It would also be your responsibility to make sure that prisoners are cared for and that they get support to prepare for life outside prison.

In order to do this job well you would need to be very assertive and able to deal with unpredictable, and sometimes aggressive, behaviour. However, you would also have to be sensitive to the needs of the prisoners in your care.

Your exact duties would depend on the type of prison, its level of security and the age of the prisoners. Larger prisons can have several governors at different grades.

In general, you would:

  • Keep the prison secure

  • Make inspections

  • Carry out disciplinary actions

  • Write reports

  • Manage budgets and resources

  • Make sure the prison meets government targets, for example on inmate welfare

  • Work with other professionals, such as doctors and social workers

You might also train prison officers, go to parole board meetings, and chair prisoner admission panels and release boards. There may be opportunities to work in the national headquarters, or within prison service colleges.


Your hours of work can be long, and may include evenings and weekends. There may be some opportunities for part-time hours.


Prisons are found all over the country in towns and the countryside. As a governor you could be posted to any establishment in the country.


You are likely to do some travelling to attend meetings, courses and conferences outside the prison.

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    Top skills

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    It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

    Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

    • respecting
    • cooperating
    • attention to detail
    • managing resources
    • taking initiative
    • making decisions
    • motivating others
    • taking responsibility
    • coaching
    • resilience

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    Getting in

    Explore each section to find more information about getting into this career.

    Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

    • Business Management

    • Care

    • Skills for Work: Uniformed and Emergency Services

    • Sociology

    There are no set qualifications. Many prison governors progress into this role after years of experience as a prison officer. 

    As a prison officer working for the Scottish Prison Service (SPS), you would have the opportunity to gain management and leadership qualifications to help you progress in the service. 

    A degree (SCQF Level 9/10) in subjects such as psychology, sociology or business management would be useful but not mandatory. 

    Direct entry recruitment as a prison governor does not take place on a regular basis in Scotland. When recruitment does take place, entry it is extremely competitive.

    Experience in work such as security, police or the armed services.

    To work for the Scottish Prison Service you must meet nationality and criminal conviction criteria. You can find this on the Scottish Prison Service website.

    You would need to pass a medical examination. In Scotland, applicants are considered up to the age of 63.

    You must declare all criminal convictions, and some may prevent you from getting in.

    You need to be approved for membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme run by Disclosure Scotland.

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