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Help power the country and join the energy industry. With demand for renewable energy increasing, there are even more exciting new opportunities to get involved.

What impact could you make?

Heat the country using environmentally friendly resources such as solar, wind and wave power.
Use renewable energy innovation to deliver low carbon solutions to power our communities and economy.
Join nearly 22,600 Modern Apprentices working across various STEM subjects.
The future of this industry is vibrant! We’re looking at 21,000 new jobs by 2050.LauraPeople and Organisational Development Director

Energy at a glance

The energy industry is now shifting towards using renewable energy sources and digital technologies. This'll make sure the industry has a positive impact on the environment.


Between 2023 and 2026, there were 95,400 people working in the energy sector across Scotland.

Job availability

By 2026, it's expected there will be 4,300 people needed to fill job openings in Scotland.

Job diversity

As of October 2023, there are 4,501 Modern Apprentices across Scotland training in this industry.

Things you may not know about energy

Scotland’s renewable energy sector supported more than 42,00 jobs in 2021.

Source: BBC News

The country produced enough renewable electricity in 2022 to supply all households with power for more than three years.

Source: Energy Digital

By 2030, it’s expected that 50% of all Scotland’s energy will come from renewable sources.

Source: Scottish Government

Organisations making a difference

Discover some of the organisations within energy and how they’re making an impact on the industry.