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Building your future starts today

Whether you're thinking about your options or getting ready to leave school, we're here to help. If you need career inspiration, advice or help to grow your skills, look no further.

Understand yourself

Choosing your career path is a big deal. The good thing is, the better you know yourself the more you'll understand what's right for you. So, we've created tools and resources to help you do just that.

What will you be?

There's a whole world of possibility out there. Discover job roles that suit your skills, personality and strengths.

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Make the right <span class="font-bold block">option choices</span>

Make the right option choices

Tell us what subjects you're studying and we'll show you job profiles that match your interests.

Explore your option choices
Life <span class="font-bold">after school</span>

Life after school

Leaving school soon? You'll need some key information before you head out into the world. We've brought together everything you'll need to take this exciting step forward.

School leaver's toolkit
Our <span class="font-bold">career advisers</span> are here to help

Our career advisers are here to help

Discover all the different ways our careers advisers can help you get into the course or career you've always dreamed of.

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